Friday, August 24, 2012

A miracle drug?

I am now taking a new medication - Ampyra. This is supposed to help improve my walking gait and speed. I see glimmers of success, but I'm still clumsy with my stride. It is frustrating to know that 10 years ago, I would walk for 5 miles without tripping over myself. Yet today, I consider myself lucky to make it through the parking lot without using my cane. I have dreams where I still run and jump and walk, but I wake up and realize that it's another day of making sure my balance is set correctly, and that I take my time walking through doorways and crowds so I don't lose my step and fall.

Yes, there are days when I feel bad for me. Then, I realize that I'm still able to walk with a cane, and sometimes without. I should consider myself lucky, right? (Long pause) No, I consider this illness a bitch, and I'm proud of myself for working with it's limitations. Lucky? Hell no.

Let the stem cell research help mend those of us remembering when walking was a natural action.

Stay strong!



  1. Andrea, you are writing a beautiful and significent blog. I can literally feel your pain and frustration. So sorry for your troubles my friend. I hope others who are suffering with your affliction find you and gain comfort and strength from your words.

    1. My dear friend...thank you and John so much for your warm words and thoughts. I've been so afraid of talking about my condition for so long that it became a burden to me. Now that I'm out of work and am no longer hoping for a business to see the benefits I can provide with my experience (I'm going to write about the real challenges I experienced in a blog entry), and approved for disability, I'm writing about it. Major weight off of my shoulders! I'm still quite active, which is the major point I want to convey. What did the old man say in Monty Python and the Holy Grail?? "But, I'm not dead, yet...";-)

  2. Wow - you are Kerry Ann's cousin huh?! I haven't known anyone extremely well who got MS but it does sound like a condition that needs many more or at least better treatments. I hope the medication works wonders! I'm not too happy with the major political parties right now but I live in Tampa Bay and Mrs. Romney apparently has MS so I hope that brings attention to medication and other issues that affect you!

    best wishes - Nicholas Thompson

    1. Hi, Nicholas - sorry for the delay in my response, but these new twists and turns with comments on Google sometimes catch me at unawares. Yes, I'm Kerry Ann's cousin from MA. Although she and I have never met, I've known her Dad since I can remember, and dearly loved her Grandmother and Grandfather (Erickson) who had lived in the same NE town I grew up in in MA. I expect she is equally as awesome as they were, and as her parents are.
      MS has been part of my story since I was in my twenties; although, I wasn't 'officially' diagnosed until I was 41. It still didn't negatively affect my health until about 5 years ago. Since many of the people that have MS present their symptoms differently, it's tough for the medical community to provide a pat answer for how to deal with the illness. I'm telling my story in hopes that it can potentially help others and broaden the base of knowledge about the disease and my progression with the disease in comparison to others.
      Ann Romney does have the illness, as well, but I'm disappointed that she has been quiet about her own symptoms and medication(s). That's the information we could all benefit from, especially since she really doesn't look like the illness has impacted her at all. With me, stress has been a huge factor impacting my leg strength and balance. I used to be very fit, a lover of hiking, walking, and long distance biking for charity: MS has taken all of that away. I still exercise to keep my remaining strengths, and to manage my agility and balance. I would love to see stem cell research come back to discussions on the political front as I believe research in this arena would reveal a lot of possibilities for setting up cures for many of the auto-immune diseases.
      Anyway, thanks so much for your comment and wishes. Enjoy the week!
